SDFC receives ACCA Approved Employer status
Time:2024-05-15 12:39


The SME Development Finance Corporation (SDFC) on Tuesday announced receiving ACCA Approved Employer - Trainee Development Platinum status.

The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) bestowed this prestigious recognition acknowleging SDFC's excellence in staff training and development for ACCA members and trainees.

SDFC becomes an ACCA Approved Employer -- Photo/ SDFC

According to the financial institution, SDFC employees who are ACCA students or members will benefit from "tailored resources" for their professional growth in the field of finance and accounting.

The ACCA accreditation of SDFC will aid the corporation in "attracting and retaining top talent", the institution added. 

Besides this, the award will ensure ACCA members at SDFC meet their continuing professional development (CPD) obligations as well.


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