City Council award Male' Aasaharaa finishing to contractor
Time:2024-05-19 13:29


Male' City Council has awarded Haiman Construction Private Limited with the finishing works of Aasaharaa for MVR 2.7 million.

The parties signed on the agreement on Saturday. City Council's Secretary General Wajeeh Naseer signed on behalf of the authority and Haiman Construction's Director Mohamed Aiman signed on behalf of the contractor.

The contractor is required to complete the project within two months.

The main cemetary in Male' City, Aasaharaa, was closed for renovation and redevelopment in May last year, after which funerals in Greater Male' Area were shifted to Hulhumale' cemetery.

 After the initial contractor failed to finish the initiative to the contractually agreed September 2023 window, the project was opened for bidding on November last year.

The following features are expected after the redevelopment of the cemetery;

  • Special praying area for women on first floor of the mosque
  • Ambulance entrance will be moved to rear gate
  • Three VIP-level lounges accommodating 35 people each on top of the funeral home
  • Each lounge will feature two toilets, and special areas for breastfeeding mothers
  • Designated toilet for people with special needs

Disclaimer: This article comes from South Asia Network TV Sico International Online's self-media, does not represent Sico International Online's South Asia Network TVViews and positions.。

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