Mountainous Countries are the Worst Sufferer of Climate Change: Prachanda
Time:2024-05-22 14:24


SATV, Kathmandu, May 22:Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' has said that the communities living in the high mountain areas are in the worst and most vulnerable state of climate change. 

Nepal invites 23 countries in an event, International Experts Dialogue on mountain, People and Climate scheduled for 22nd and 23rd May which is two continuous days, starting today. Nepal has prepared itself to raise united mountainous nations voices on climate change while promoting the mountain agenda in United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) negotiation process.

Addressing the international expert dialogue on 'Himalayan, People and Climate Change' here today, Prime Minister Prachanda said that the mountain lifestyle has been affected by climate-induced disasters and other effects.


"Due to the bad impact of the mountain economy on climate sensitive areas such as agriculture, tourism, hydropower and physical infrastructure, the worst climate effects have been seen on mountain communities and ecosystems," Prime Minister Prachanda said. Climate-induced disasters and other impacts through the displacement of heritage, knowledge and practices have seriously affected mountain livelihoods.”

The prime minister said that climate change is affecting the poor, women and base level population who mainly depend on weather-based livelihoods due to lack of information, resources and capacity to cope with the changes.

Emphasizing the urgent need to address the growing concerns and concerns about the impact on mountain communities and the ecosystem services they provide, the Prime Minister Prachanda stressed the urgent need to address the integrated mountain voice for solutions to limit the temperature to 1.5 degrees Celsius, to immediately benefit the welfare of the mountain people, to increase the diversity and stability of the ecosystem. And he said that attention should be paid to local needs.


Prime Minister Prachanda informed, "as a result of our conscious and systematic efforts, COP-28 has recognized mountain ecosystems as important for an integrated response,". He pointed out the need to take a long journey of global consensus and support in order to advance mountain issues and find sustainable solutions for mountains and their victims.


"This expert dialogue is not just a program. This is a strategic initiative," the Prime Minister said, "that aims to strengthen, coordinate and prioritize mountain-based actions in the context of climate change and encourage mountain countries and agencies to cooperate with the UNFCCC Mountain Action Program and mandates."

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