PM approves policy change for hiring in MP scale
Time:2024-05-28 15:04

For MP1 scale, in case of a PhD degree, a minimum of seven years of experience in the relevant field would be required         Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif addressing the National Assembly on April 11, 2022. — PIDPrime Minister Shehbaz Sharif addressing the National Assembly on April 11, 2022. — PID

ISLAMABAD: The prime minister has approved an amendment to the Management Pay Scale Policy 2020.

Under the new amendment, the experience condition has been changed for MP1, MP2 and MP3 scales, and the trial period had been shortened. The MP1 scale is equivalent to grade 22, MP2 to grade 21 and MP3 is equivalent to grade 20.

For MP1 scale, in case of a PhD degree, a minimum of seven years of experience in the relevant field would be required. In case of a Master’s degree, a minimum of nine years of experience would be required.

For MP2 scale, a minimum experience of five years in the relevant field would be required in case of a PhD degree, and seven years in case of a Master’s degree will be required. For MP3 scale, minimum experience of three years would be required in case of a PhD degree, and a minimum experience of five years would be required in case of Master’s degree.

The Establishment Division has sent the copy of the amendment to all ministries and divisions. Earlier, in the Management Pay Scale Policy 2020, minimum experience of 14 years was required in case of a PhD degree, and 18 years in case of Master’s degree for MP1 scale.

For MP2 scale, a minimum of 10 years of experience was required in case of a PhD degree, and 14 years in case of a Master’s degree. For MP3 scale, a minimum of six years of experience was required in case of a PhD degree, and a minimum of 10 years of experience was required in case of a Master’s degree.


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