President sends condolences to former Public Safety Minister's family
Time:2024-06-20 12:48


President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu has extended condolences to the family of the former Public Safety Minister, the late Abdul Hannan Haleem ('Dhoshi Meyna Kilegefaanu') on his passing on Wednesday.

In his post on X, Dr. Muizzu acknowledged Haleem's tenure as the Public Safety Ministry during the first ten years of the second Republic of the Maldives, and highlighted his illustrious political career; including the role of an MP during the first parliament of the second Republic.

President described the passing of the former minister as a moment significant sorrow for the nation.

Dr. Muizzu wished Haleem's family patience, prayed the Almighty to pardon the later Minister's shortcomings, and grant him Jannah.

Sun Online learned the former minister passed away, at the age of 87, at Tree Top Hospital sometime on Wednesday.

He is the last surviving member of both the 1968 government's cabinet and those who were granted the 'Sumuhwul Ameer Kilege' title.

He is also a descendent of the Huravee and Dhiyamigili royal bloodline as well.

The former Public Safety Minister's funeral prayer will be held after Isha prayers at Hulhumale'.


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