Eid-ul-Azha: No pressure of returning passengers at Sadarghat terminal
Time:2024-06-22 13:39


Three days after Eid-ul-Azha, the capital's main river port, Sadarghat launch terminal, is experiencing no significant pressure from returning passengers.

Instead, many people were still leaving Dhaka, heading to their villages after staying in the capital during the Eid holidays for various reasons.

Despite the heavy passenger traffic at Sadarghat before Eid, launch officials had anticipated a similar rush of returning passengers post-Eid. However, they now expect the number of returnees to increase on Saturday, the last holiday.

On Friday afternoon, rows of launches could be seen tied to the pontoons at the Sadarghat launch terminal, with a moderate number of passengers. The launches are departing with fewer passengers, hoping to pick up more on the return trip.

While Chandpur and Munshiganj-bound launches have a fair number of passengers, those heading to Barisal, Bhola, and Jhalakathi are relatively empty.

Sadarghat Traffic Inspector Belayet Hossain said that 92 launches arrived and 88 departed on Thursday. By Friday evening, 45 had arrived and 42 had left.

Launch operators note that passenger numbers are lower after Eid. The launches are primarily being dispatched to pick up returning passengers, but the expected influx has not materialized. The improved road connections to the southern part of the capital have contributed to the decrease in waterway passengers.

Before Eid, there was an uptick in waterway traffic, raising expectations for a busy return period, but this has not been the case, disappointing many launch workers who hoped for a smooth salary and bonus season.

Rifat, a clerk on the Barisal-bound Parabat-10 launch, said: “There are no passengers now, not even after Eid. We are going to pick up return passengers. Many people are still heading to the villages because they couldn't leave before Eid due to various issues. Normally, two launches leave, but today it's three. None of them are full.”

Ratul, a staff member on the Surovi-9 launch on the same route, said: “We are leaving to bring back passengers, but there are hardly any returnees. No launch has returned from Barisal at full capacity post-Eid. With the Padma Bridge, launch traffic has reduced. This affects our salaries and bonuses as business slows down.”

Sagar, a staff member on the Sundarban-15 launch, echoed this sentiment: “There was a rush before Eid, and we were happy. But the number of return passengers is low. The Padma Bridge has reduced launch traffic. Our salaries and bonuses are impacted when there are fewer passengers.”

The low number of returning passengers has also affected traders and other professions at the ghat.

Saiful, who sells eggs at the ghat, said: “There were many passengers before Eid, but few now. On Thursday, I brought 100 eggs, but didn't sell half. Today, I brought fewer.”

Matiur Rahman, a porter at the terminal, said: “We have little work except during Eid. The departure was good, but the return isn't. It’s hard to survive as a porter. I hoped the return journey would provide more work, but it hasn't.”

Despite the low passenger numbers, law enforcement remains vigilant.

Abul Kalam, officer-in-charge of the Sadarghat launch terminal, said: “Even though there are few passengers, law and order forces are alert. We are constantly patrolling and monitoring. No untoward incidents have occurred so far.”


Disclaimer: This article comes from South Asia Network TV Sico International Online's self-media, does not represent Sico International Online's South Asia Network TVViews and positions.。

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