49 students graduate from Four Seasons apprenticeship
Time:2024-06-23 13:32


Atotal of 49 students have graduated from Four Seasons apprenticeship program on Saturday.

Higher Education Ministry's State Minister Ahmed Shafeeq officiated the convocation ceremony held at Maldives National University (MNU) on Saturday.

The program was held at Four Seasons properties, Landaa Giraavaru and Kuda Huraa.

Four Seasons added the apprenticeship is the longest-running such capacity development program in the region, launched since 2001.

Since inception to date, a total of 850 students have graduated from the program.

Four Seasons added 70 students will be in the next batch.

Participants received training in a multitude of hospitality industry segments, including;

Food and beverage preparation F&B services PADI Dive Master Water Sports Marine Biology Retail Housekeeping and Guest Services Safe Maritime Transport Front office and Recreation Engineering

Students partaking in the program said since their college programs are purely theoretical, they lacked knowledge of practical scenarios.

They added the Four Seasons apprenticeship program is ideal for them to get an understanding of how each segment in the hospitality industry functions in real-time.


Disclaimer: This article comes from South Asia Network TV Sico International Online's self-media, does not represent Sico International Online's South Asia Network TVViews and positions.。

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