Swap samples of 17 primary contacts of the man who tested positive for Covid-19 in Domkhar, Bumthang were sent for RT-PCR test to Mongar yesterday.
Domkhar chiwog of Chumey gewog in Bumthang was declared as a cluster red zone.
The man had travelled from Thimphu and reached Chumey on December 19 to attend annual lochoe.
There are 25 people in facility quarantine in Bumthnag.
Two primary contacts of the index case of Bumthang are placed in a quarantine facility. The man while travelling to Bumthang on December 19 visited the vegetable market in Trongsa.
The swab samples of the two will be sent for RT-PCR testing today.
The lockdown in Trongsa was implemented at 1pm yesterday. The residents can go buy essentials in their respective identified zones from today.
According to the dzongkhag Covid-19 task force, incident commander, shops have been identified in four zones in the nearby places of the throm.
Shops will be open in the zones on designated days and time and close on Tuesday.
The task force urges people to follow the health protocols and remain home.
For the gewogs, the essentials item will be delivered by the Food Corporation of Bhutan to the respective sanam tshongkhags. The gewogs will then distribute.
Bumthang dzongkhag Covid-19 taskforce has enforced complete lockdown at 6am yesterday.
The facilitation and supply of essential goods will only be done after three days.
Meanwhile, Tsirang Covid-19 taskforce has implemented a lockdown and activated zoning system in and around Damphu town from 10am yesterday.
Except for identified shops including meat shops, FCBL agent, local vegetable market and financial institutions, other institutions are closed.
The movement in the three zones was implemented alternatively beginning yesterday.
The dzongkhag incident commander and also Tsirang Dzongdag Pema said that vegetables would be delivered to designated shops in respective zones.
In gewogs, residents are permitted to tend to their farm activities and construction work. The inter-gewog movement, however, is restricted.
The identified shops including animal feed agents would remain open in the gewogs.
As the peak season for orange export is on, the dzongkhag taskforce ensures that the transport of orange continues. Similarly, farmers would be permitted to ferry their orange to the depots.
Due to Covid-19 local outbreak, the annual three-day Daga tshechu which was scheduled on December 25 would be a closed-door event.
Meanwhile, the dzongkhag Covid-19 taskforce implemented a lockdown and activated zoning system from 4pm, yesterday.
There are five identified zones including three buffer zones of Daga throm, Gozhi and Tsendagang.
The opening time for identified shops, however, is yet to be announced. The transport of essentials and export of farm produce would be permitted.