From being unemployed to a successful entrepreneur, pullet business- Monggar

Becoming an entrepreneur was never a dream for him. However, taking advantage of the COVID-19 situation, he decided otherwise. Deciding to take over his father’s poultry business, 28-year-old Sonam Penjor from Tsamang Gewog in Monggar has raised himself from being unemployed to a successful entrepreneur, today.

In 2016, Sonam Penjor completed his degree from Sherubtse College. A few years later, he took over his father’s poultry farm, located at Hurungpam under Monggar Gewog. And ever since, he didn’t look back.
After he took over the farm in 2019, Sonam has also been focussing on the pullet business which raises chicks and sells hens ready to lay eggs.
With the local markets booming due to the pandemic, Sonam said, the decision changed his life for the better.
The pullets are just a day old when Sonam buys from the Poultry Breeding Centre at Lingmethang. It requires a lot of nurturing for the entrepreneur until they become ready to lay eggs.
“I started the pullet business in 2019. In 2020, I purchased over 12,000 pullets from the Lingmethang breeding centre and supplied them in Monggar Gewogs and the nearby districts,” Sonam said.
According to him, he raises the pullets on his farm for a month and a half. It requires the entrepreneur lots of nurturing and frequent medication to prevent them from catching the flu. He then supplies them to farmers in the district and also the neighbouring district.
And there is no dearth of customers.
Sonam buys each pullet at Nu 30 from the breeding centre and sells it at Nu 170 in the market.
Besides the pullet business, Sonam also supplies eggs. Today, he owns some 3,000 layers on his farm and collects about 2,400 eggs in a day. He mostly supplies the eggs to the nearby districts.
On average, he earns a net profit of about Nu 100,000 every month from the sale of eggs and pullets. Besides becoming a successful entrepreneur, he has been able to provide employment opportunities to five youths.