Nation gears for fourth NC Poll Day
Time:2023-04-19 14:06


Voters across Bhutan will decide the fate of the 89 National Council candidates in 20 dzongkhags tomorrow.

Many from Thimphu are moving to their homes in the dzongkhags to vote.

Voting at the polling stations will begin at 8am and end at 5pm. All voters have to carry their valid Citizenship Identity Card or Voter Photo Identity Card (VPIC) to the polling station.

The Election Commission of Bhutan has declared tomorrow as a public holiday so all offices, schools, educational institutes, shops, and businesses in the 20 dzongkhags will remain closed.

The election has entered the two-day no-campaign period from 8am yesterday until the closure of the polls tomorrow. During this period, no one is allowed to publish, broadcast, or transmit any material that is in the nature of election campaign, supporting or opposing any candidate in any media platform. However, ECB says, the authorised campaign materials pasted during the campaign period may be retained as it is if they are not within 100 meters of a polling station.

Most dzongkhags have deployed polling officials and polling stations in the dzongkhags have been set up. Returning Officers are receiving postal ballots and opening of the envelope A will begin today in larger dzongkhags.

Dagana sees gradual increase in registered voters 

Choki Wangmo 

Compared with the 2018 National Council (NC) elections, Dagana Dzongkhag has recorded an increase in the number of registered voters and postal voters this time.


Disclaimer: This article comes from South Asia Network TV Sico International Online's self-media, does not represent Sico International Online's South Asia Network TVViews and positions.。

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