No discussions held on any plans for digital services tax with SL: IMF
Time:2023-07-13 19:06

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has not discussed any plans for a digital services tax with the Sri Lankan authorities in the current programme, an IMF spokesperson said.

The IMF also said it has not provided any recommendations on whether or not Sri Lanka should sign on to the OECD/G20 inclusive framework agreement for international corporate taxation.

“Revenue mobilization is a key pillar of the IMF programme with Sri Lanka. As part of the upcoming first review of the EFF programme currently scheduled in September, the IMF plans to discuss with the authorities how best to mobilize additional revenues. This could include considering the benefits and challenges with introducing a digital service tax,” the spokesperson said.

The IMF will work with the authorities to put in place reforms that are in the best interest of Sri Lanka and its people, it added.


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