Jigme Pelden Dorji aims to summit Everest by May 19
Time:2024-05-14 12:59


Kathmandu-Jigme Pelden Dorji, 24, will do the nation proud if he succeeds in summiting the Everest by May 19. He will be the first Bhutanese to scale the 8848-metre Everest.

He wrote on his Instagram handle: “We will be moving two-three days in advance towards Camp II and III.”

Sources confirmed that he will climb the Everest on the morning of May 16.

Climbers will have to pass four camps before reaching the summit.

The Mount Everest Expedition is popular and challenging due to the Khumbu Icefall, located between the Everest Base Camp and Camp I, situated at 5,900 metres, Camp II between 6,200-6,400 metres, Camp III at 7,300 metres, and the South Col at 7,925 metres.

The climbers’ permit allows them 75 days to complete the climb, within the specified date range.

If all goes as planned, Bhutan flag will be raised atop the Everest on either May 18 or 19.

The countdown to this historic moment has already begun.

Jigme Pelden Dorji is one of the 414 climbers set to make it to the summit. Participants hail from 70 countries, with the USA leading in numbers.

The Everest route officially opened on May 10.

As per records from the Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) and climbing agencies, climbers planning to summit the peak must secure a permit and upon completion, receive a certificate.

Climbers’ personal details are registered with the Nepal Tourism Board and shared among all expedition companies involved.

Jigme Pelden Dorji began his first Everest rotation on May 1. It means that climbers ascend to Camp III to acclimatise and then return to a lower camp for rest and to wait for the optimal weather conditions for the final summit push.

This process helps the climbers adjust to the altitude and prepare for the challenging ascent to the summit.

Jigme Pelden Dorji, who is currently accompanied by Pioneer Adventure Pvt. Ltd, a government registered company and a trusted brand in mountaineering, peak climbing, trekking and other forms of adventure activities in the Himalayas, successfully summitted Lobuche (6,119 masl) on May 25.

Co-founder of Pioneer Adventure, Nivesh Karki, said that Jigme Pelden Dorji’s summit target is between May 17-21.

“He might begin the climb after May 14 up to Camp II and, if he remains physically fit and in good health, he could potentially reach the summit on May 17,” Nivesh Karki said.

He added that Jigme Pelden Dorji’s health condition was excellent and was physically prepared for the climb.

Jigme Pelden Dorji arrived in Nepal on April 10 and began his trek to Everest Base Camp two days later. He reached the base camp on April 19.

Nivesh Karki said that Jigme Pelden Dorji was prepared to summit successfully and become the first Bhutanese to plant the country’s flag at the peak.

Jigme Pelden Dorji was the best cadet rider in the National Defence Academy of the passing out course, and also a recipient of IMA Lt. Satyendra Chaudhry Award in 2022.

Jigme Pelden Dorji is a lieutenant in the Royal Bhutan Army.


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