Sirish ko Phool Changes Scenario of Kathmandu City
Time:2024-05-15 20:12

SATV, Kathmandu,May 15:Spring dances at its peak in Baishak. With the spring, the roads of Kathmandu has turned purple as the flowers of Jacaranda decorates the city with its blossom. 

This flower widely popular as Blue Mimosa is also known as Sirish ko Phool among Nepalese.  Jacaranda and Blue Mimosa have been registered as a member of mimosa or albizia family.

These trees of Jacaranda has been planted around the city and has been providing spectacular breathtaking scenario. The little winds and drizzling rain of the spring has spread the flowers blanketing the pitch roads and pedestrian sideways.

The trees can be seen on the roads from Kotehswor to Gaushala, Martyer’s gate, Ratnapark while the newly planted trees of Blue Mimosa has been giving its first bloom in Tinkune park.

Even though Jacaranda is quite admired and is popular among greater number of the citizens due to its beauty, very little know that it possess its own medicinal value as well.

They are beneficial for amoebic dysentery, syphilis, hepatitis, neuralgia that is pain reliving mediaction bacterial infections and gonorrhea. It is also benificial for varicose veins which are swollen or twisted vein that lie just under the skin. Likewise, hot Jacaranda leaf baths treat wounds and skin infections and the tree also helps in the treatment of acne.

The mimosa family doesn’t only fill the environment with scenic beauty to eyes but along brings greater health benefits if used appropriately.

Besides all these, a Nepalese writer, Parijat published a book in 1964, entitiling it “Sirish ko Phool” which is a short novel that has also been translated in english as “The Blue Mimosa”. The book was awarded with Madan Puraskar.



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