23 Nations to Gather on Chandragiri Hills for International Experts Dialogue on Mountain, People and Climate
Time:2024-05-21 13:22


SATV, KAthmandu, May 20: Nepal invites 23 countries in an event, International Experts Dialogue on mountain, People and Climate, scheduled for 22nd and 23rd May. Nepal has prepared itself to raise united global voices on climate change while promoting the mountain agenda in United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) negotiation process.

The event is supposed to be a contribution to the Expert dialouge on mountains and climate change which is being hosted by the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) at the 60th session of SBSTA on 5th June, 2024.

The government  of Nepal takes a leading step to bring together voices from all nations to promote the mountain agenda on the global forums. It follows the right Honourable Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal “Prachanda” spearheading side evnt dialouge “Call for Mountain: Who Saves Us from the Climate Crisis?”. The event of like minded mountain countries would have more than 500 participants inclusive of 61 foreign experts from 23 countries has been managed to be held in Chandragiri Hill, Kathmandu.

Chair of SABSTA, a subsidiary body of UNFCCC, Harry Vreuls to leaders, ministers, ambassadors, representatives from mountains partnership, high level staffs from development partners, youth, foreign experts as well as local governments representative who knows the ground suffering of the climate change are bound to make their active participation in the dialogue to discuss the melting of ice in mountains to the rising of sea levels in the current situaton. The entire summary developed out of this dialogue will be presented to Chair of SABSTA.

The International expert dialouge will have three sessions under three themes. Climate science and mountain evidence, mountain solutions: common grounds and common understanding and lastly mountain perspective: resource and opportunities. Keynote speaker, panel discussion, presentation and 50 plus global speakers will make the comprehensive and thorough discussion on the agenda.


Dr. Govinda Prasad Sharma, Secretary of the Ministry of Forests and Environment said it is a great opportunity for the Government of Nepal to have a discussion with global participants and dignitaries on the mountain and beyond issues ahead of the UN-organized expert dialogue on mountain and climate change agenda in Bonn, Germany. He further added, the presence of the SBSTA chair in the dialogue shows the commitment of mountain issues at the global climate negotiations.

Dr. Maheshwar Dhakal, Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Forests and Environment said "Global gathering in Nepal will be an opportunity for Nepal to showcase its leadership and spearhead the mountain dialogue at the global climate negotiation to ensure the agenda to reflect in UNFCCC process". Mr. Dhakal informs of the core three objectives of the event:

1. Develop a shared platform "Group of Mountain Partnership" to raise awareness of mountain vulnerability to climate change, promote collaboration for common understanding and position of the mountainous countries', and give mountain communities their due in international and regional processes,

2. Explore and exchange knowledge, research, and innovative solutions for adapting to climate change, minimizing loss and damage to mountain peoples and their livelihoods, and optimizing clean energy transition,

3. Promote multilateralism, collaboration, and partnerships concerning technology transfer, capacity development, and climate finance for mountainous nations and their inhabitants.


USAID, ICIMOD, ADB, FAO, UNDP, Oxford Policy Management, IWMI, United Nations Nepal, UN Women, UN employment programs, WHO, UNICEF and Mountain Partnership has been frontline supporters of Nepal Government for this event according to the joint secretary of the Ministry of Forests and Environment. 

Some glimpses of the press meet regarding International Experts Dialogue on mountain, People and Climate:








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