Govt greenlights deployment of Frontier Constabulary in AJK
Time:2024-06-24 14:09

Development came after AJK Prime Minister Chaudhry Anwarul Haq met Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi       Frontier Constabulary and Islamabad police personnel stand alert on August 22, 2022. — OnlineFrontier Constabulary and Islamabad police personnel stand alert on August 22, 2022. — Online

ISLAMABAD: The federal government Sunday approved the deployment of Frontier Constabulary (FC) in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) in response to the state’s request aimed at improving the security situation.

The development came after AJK Prime Minister Chaudhry Anwarul Haq met Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi in Islamabad.

During the meeting, the two mulled over the law & order situation as well as political landscape along with the AJK government’s budget for the next fiscal year.

The sources say that the FC, apart from assisting the AJK police, will provide fool-proof security for Neelum-Jhelum, Mangla and Gulpur hydro-power projects. As many as six FC platoons will be deployed in the AJK for a period of three months, the sources added.

Speaking on the occasion, Naqvi reassured the AJK PM that all possible cooperation would be extended to maintain peace and improve the security situation in the area.

Last month, the AJK witnessed violent protests which resulted in multiple deaths, including that of a policeman along with dozens of people being injured during the four-day protests against inflation and high electricity tariffs.

The protests and the deteriorating law and order situation had then forced the AJK government to call in Rangers to control the situation in the valley.

Furthermore, the FC’s deployment comes a day after the federal government announced launching Operation Azm-e-Istehkam, a national counter-terrorism drive to turn up the heat on militants targeting the state of Pakistan.


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