Minister Paudel pledges to increase health insurance amount to 500 thousand
Time:2024-08-30 12:19


Kathmandu: Minister for Health and Population Pradip Paudel has assured of an increase in the health insurance amount, taking it to Rs 500 thousand.

In a ceremony held to mark the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Koshi Hospital Biratnagar and the Bhaktapur Cancer Hospital on Thursday, the Minister pledged to manage Rs 31 billion in lump sum to increase the insurance amount. As per the agreement, the Bhaktapur Cancer Hospital is to extend its services to the Koshi Hospital as well.

‘None is allowed to play against the citizens’ health. Health facilities must be accessible, free, and of quality to make the presence of the government,’ said Minister Paudel. He even expressed his concerns over the mismanagement in the service of the Koshi Hospital and directed the hospital management to follow the rules, standards, and policies drafted and recommended by the Ministry.

‘Healthcare facilities are one of the priorities of the citizens and hospitals are supposed to provide quality care to them’ said Minister Paudel. Ministry Secretary Dr Roshan Pokhrel urged the hospital management to focus on self-sufficiency instead of just hoping for support from the government.

Cancer Hospital’s director Ujjwal Chalise and Koshi Hospital’s medical superintendent Dr Rabin Raj Singh signed the MoU that states that Bhaktapur Cancer will provide oncology services in a month with the help of six to ten specialists. The Koshi Hospital has been providing cancer-care services since 2072 BS.


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