Bangladesh Connects Two Capitals and three countries via Bus Route
Time:2024-01-04 14:00


January 4: Bangladesh is only about 40km away from eastern border of Nepal. After India, Bangladesh, the nearest neighbor, has prepared to operate international bus services on four new routes between Nepal and India. Bangladesh has accelerated the preparation of Dhaka-Kathmandu international bus service for a distance of about 813 km.

Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal (BBIN) signed a 'motor vehicle' agreement in June 2015 to operate a direct bus service between these four countries. But Bhutan's parliament has not yet ratified the agreement. Therefore, Bangladesh has started the task of operating bus services in Nepal and India soon, according to the newspaper "The Daily Sun" published from Dhaka.

Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation (BRTC) has planned to operate international buses on four new routes with India and Nepal due to the increased interest of passengers to travel by bus cheaply compared to other means of transport.



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