Construction of tunnels will play a big role in achieving national goals: Prime Minister
Time:2024-04-15 18:40


SATV, Kathmandu, 15 April: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' has said that tunnel construction will play a major role in achieving the national goal of building and expanding road infrastructure.

Addressing the program organized today on the occasion of the 'break-through' of the main tunnel of the Nagadhunga tunnel construction project, Prime Minister Prachanda said that the construction of the tunnel is an important achievement in the field of infrastructure.

"Construction of such tunnels will play a big role in the national goal of building and expanding road infrastructure by expanding interconnection through the road network, ease of movement, low cost of transportation, geographical and demographic proximity and regional balance," Prime Minister Prachanda said.


Prime Minister Prachanda expressed his belief that after the construction of the tunnel, the tunnel will improve the condition of the roads leading out of the valley and reduce the travel time and transportation costs.

"Considering this tunnel route as a basis, a document related to tunnels suitable for Nepali soil will be created," Prime Minister Prachanda said, "This will contribute significantly to bringing Nepal into the tunnel era." He said that in the upcoming plan, the government's policy will be to expand and build a modern road network with tunnels, flyovers and underpasses on national highways.


With the beginning of the new year, Prime Minister Prachanda expressed his happiness at the historic opportunity to break-through the main tunnel of Nepal's first tunnel, and resolved the problems of traffic jams in the Nagdhunga area under the Prithvi highway, the high road, the ongoing risk in terms of road safety, and the high risk of landslides during the rainy season. He said that the tunnel was imagined.


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