Lankadeepa Aloka Pooja commences today
Time:2024-06-21 13:16


Colombo, June 21- Lankadeepa Poson Aloka Pooja illumination in Thanthirimale Rajamaha Vihara organized by Wijeya Newspapers Ltd will be held on June 21, 22 and 23. 

The historic Thanthirimale Cheithiya and the temple grounds will be illuminated with tens of thousands of electric bulbs. The technicians of Wijeya Newspapers Ltd are at present attending to it.

Chief Incumbent of Thanthirimale Raja Maha Vihara Ven. Thanthirimale Chandarathana Thera said Lankadeepa Aloka Pooja of Wijeya Newspapers Ltd will be held for the 21st year. 

Ven. Thera said a series of religious activities including Sil campaigns, the preaching of sermons, Dhamma forums, meditation sessions and Buddha Poojas will be held from early morning.


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