The Prime Minister will Shift From Baluwatar to Khumaltar Today at 4 pm
Time:2024-07-12 13:37


SATV, Kathmandu, July 12: Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal Prachanda is going to leave his official residence Baluwatar today. According to sources, he has already said that he will leave Baluwatar at 4 pm.

The Prime Minister is taking the vote of confidence in the meeting of the House of Representatives at 11 am today. After the Nepali Congress and UML agreed to make a new equation last year, the Prime Minister is going to take the vote of confidence in the Parliament.

Only 32 MPs from his own party CPN Maoist Center, 21 MPs from RSP and 10 MPs from the CPN Socialist Party have given a vote of confidence to the Prime Minister. Congress UML leaders have said that President Ramchandra Paudel will call for the formation of a new government this afternoon as two-thirds of the votes will be against Prime minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal.

The Prime Minister is going to leave the official residence as he will automatically be relieved of his post after not receiving the vote of confidence. He had been expressing his belief that the process of forming a new government under Article 76 (3) of the Constitution would proceed after he was relieved of his post. But the Prime Minister's decision to move his residence today is considered as an assessment of the process of forming a new government from Article 76 (2).

Maoists said that Prime Minister Dahal will move from Baluwatar to his former residence in Khumaltar.


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