Families of Deceased Receive Two Lakh Rupees Relief in Monsoon Disasters
Time:2024-07-20 16:39


SATV, Kathmandu, July 20: In the aftermath of disasters caused by monsoons, 69 families who lost their loved ones have been allocated relief from the District Disaster Management Fund at a rate of two lakh rupees each.

According to the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority, out of 125 deaths reported due to various natural disasters during the monsoon period, a total of 69 families have been p[rpovided relief by government. A total of one crore and 38 lakhs has been allocated so far for the families of the deceased. Several districts have completed the process and provided relief distribution to affected families.

Authorities reported 125 individuals have successfully been rescued out of all the human casualties monsoon’s heavy rainfall invited. The spokesperson of the authority, Deputy Secretary Dr. Dijan Bhattarai, informed that rescue operations were conducted via helicopter from districts like Okhaldhunga, Taplejung, Kalikot and Bajhang.

In a monthly report issued only on Friday, the authorities disclosed that relief distribution including both food and other items has been made by district and local disaster management committees, as well as organizations like the Nepal Red Cross to families affected by the recent monsoon disasters. According to the report, immediate relief amounting from 15,000 to 20,000 has been distributed to the affected families since the onset of the monsoon.

The authorities released their monthly report exclusively on Friday. The report disclosed that relief operations were conducted by district and local disaster management committees. Organizations like the Nepal Red Cross were also involved in these efforts. The focus of these operations was to provide with essential items like food and other necessities on families affected by recent monsoon disasters. According to the report, immediate relief amounting to between 15,000 to 20,000 units has been distributed to these affected families. This assistance has been ongoing since the beginning of the monsoon season.

According to spokesperson Bhattarai, the Red Cross has distributed a range of relief items to date. These include 745 tarps, 295 blankets, 205 mattresses, 125 utensils, 100 mosquito nets, 225 hygiene kits, and 1,138 meters of cloth. In addition, coordinated efforts with the Ministry of Home Affairs have ensured the distribution of 520 tarps for tents, 50 tents, 300 blankets, 100 mattresses and 50 sleeping bags. These supplies have been provided to support affected communities through various relief efforts and organizations working on the ground.


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