Global dialogue Nepal special session program to deepen China's reforms by China Media Group CMG
Author:Suman Sigdel
Time:2024-07-30 17:45

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SATV Kathmandu, July 30 The Global Dialogue Nepal special sessionprogram titled "Global Opportunities to Deepen China's Reforms in the NewEra" has concluded in the capital Kathmandu on Tuesday. His ExcellencyAmbassador of China to Nepal Chen Song, Director of China Central Media GroupAsia-Pacific Station Cao Yi, Central Member of Nepal Communist Party (UML) andformer Communications Adviser to Prime Minister Bishnu Rijal, Chairman of ChinaNepal Media Forum Kishor Shrestha, and Sichuan University in China Niraj Lawoju,are expressed thems opinion.


His ExcellencyAmbassador of China to Nepal Chen Song

In the program, His Excellency Ambassador of China to Nepal Chen Song said that the Third Plenary Meeting of the Central Committee of theChinese Communist Party has always made a clear call for China's reform andopenness. In 1978, the Chinese Communist Party held the Third Plenary Sessionof the Eleventh Central Committee, launching reform, opening up and socialdevelopment. Establishing a high-level socialist market economic system andrealizing basically socialist modernization.China's future goals are to widelypromote modernization in the Chinese style at present and in the future.

His Excellency Ambassador Chen song elaborated, “Openness isa distinctive symbol of Chinese-style modernization and a serious commitment tothe world to deepen its reform more broadly. China will continue its opennessto expand international cooperation, build a high-level new open economicsystem, and deepen economic cooperation with neighboring countries such asNepal.  China and Nepal are connected bymountains and rivers and have been friends for generations.  Under the joint leadership of the leaders ofthe two countries, China-Nepal "Belt and Road" cooperation hascontinuously achieved positive results, and the three-dimensionalcross-Himalayan interconnection network has begun to take shape.


Director of China Central Media Group Asia-Pacific Station Cao Yi,

During the session, China Central Media Group Asia-PacificStation director Cao Yi thanked everyone for attending the program and saidthat he was happy to participate in the program. He said that if we look at thepast four decades, reform and opening the door to the world has become animportant tool to adjust China with the times, which has created a miracle ofdevelopment that has surprised the world. In the new era, Chinese-stylemodernization will open up vast opportunities in the process of reform andintegration with the world, add valuable stability to a turbulent world, createmore development opportunities, and add more Chinese contributions to humandevelopment and prosperity. As a good neighbor, good friend, and strongpartner, we are willing to work together with Nepal and contribute to thebright future of China-Nepal relations by using our media power.


Central Member of Nepal Communist Party (UML) andformer Communications Adviser to Prime Minister Bishnu Rijal

Bishnu Rijal, a central member of the Communist Party ofNepal (UML) and the former communications advisor to the Prime Minister, has expressedhis views on China-Nepal relations, China's deep reforms and changing the ThirdWorld system in three concise points. He said that Nepal and China have goodrelations. He said that there is no problem between the two countries and thisis the strong basis of lasting friendship. Mentioning that the differences inpopulation or economy have not affected our deep friendship, he said that Chinahas generously contributed to the development of Nepal and Nepal has alwayskept China's interests in mind.


Chairman of ChinaNepal Media Forum Kishor Shrestha

The chairman of Nepal China Media Forum, Kishor Shrestha, said that “under his visionaryleadership, President Xi Jinping brought the concept of "New Era" tothe 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2017. He said Having personally witnessed China’s progress under theleadership of President Xi, I am consistently amazed by its economic rise,rapid technological advancements, meticulous development initiatives, andsuccessful poverty reduction efforts. China’s emphasis on green energy alignswith crucial environmental protection goals. There is much that Nepal and therest of the world can learn from China’s experiences. Strengtheningpeople-to-people relationships is pivotal in sustaining this mutualcooperation, and the media plays a vital role in achieving this objective.”

Niraj Lawoju,, a young Nepalischolar who has been studying at Sichuan University in China, expressed hisopinion Some western media outlets these days are busy propagating theirperception of so-called downfall of Chinese economy. The truth does not seemexactly like how they are propagating. Nonetheless, China is totally not freefrom the effects of the post-pandemic global economic problems. Chinacomparatively remained aloof of the effects of the economic crisis 2008. But upto now, China has deeply plunged into the inner core of the globalization.Therefore, it is not possible for China to remained uncontaminated by the currentglobal economic challenges. Nevertheless, the crisis China facing these days isnot like the structural crisis that the western countries are going through.Revisiting the seven decades of Chinese history, we can see how the CPC hasmade success in transforming every challenge and problems into opportunitiesand successes.

Recently, thethird plenary meeting of the 20th Central Committee of the Chinese CommunistParty was completed, which will be an important milestone for China in the newera. After the third full meeting, China is making the reform process moreintensive. China Media Group CMG has organized a special session on GlobalDialogue Nepal on how it will bring development opportunities to neighboringcountries including Nepal.


Disclaimer: This article comes from South Asia Network TV Sico International Online's self-media, does not represent Sico International Online's South Asia Network TVViews and positions.。

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