SATV, Kathmandu, Aug 31: The Third season“Fenziu International Cup” basketball tournament has begun in Kathmandu from today upon the orchestration of Chinese Enterprises in Nepal. The commencement of the program was conducted on the presence of Hon. Ambassador of Republic of China for Nepal, Mr. Chen Song, president of Chinese Enterprises in Nepal, Zhu Qing Jun and hundreds of company representatives, players and spectators.
While speaking on the commencing stage, Hon. Ambassador said,”This tournament has been a platform for the communication and co-ordination of Chinese Enterprises in Nepal.”
Chinese Embassy China Power Construction, Belt and Road Trans Himalaya three dimensional pioneer, Poly Chhangda, Chitwan United, Kathmandu Huawei and South Asia khaitilong are six teams participating in the competition.
The first game was played between Chinese Embassy China Power Company and Poly Changda. In the tensed and very competitive match, Chinese Embassy Power Company won over Poly Chhangda by the bare margin of 42-40.
The winning team captain Yang Shuo considered the win as a result of hard work and team co-ordination.“ We will keep the same spirit throughout the tournament.”,He further added.
This tournament not only entertains the employees of Chinese Entrepreneur projects in Nepal but also helps in refreshing them. Bringing the Chinese and Nepalese people in the frame of co-operation and friendship is one of the major takeaway of this tournament.