Cabinet Decides to Half-Mast National Flag in Honor of Mourning
Time:2024-07-25 12:03

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SATV, Kathmandu, July 25: On Friday, July 10th, an emergency meeting of the Cabinet decided to half-mast the national flag in mourning for the 18 individuals who lost their lives in the tragic accident in a Surya Airlines plane. The Cabinet meeting was held immediately after the plane accident. The meeting also formed a five-member investigation committee to investigate the plane crash.

Under the coordination of former director-general of the Civil Aviation Authority, Ratish chandra Lal Suman, a five-member investigation committee has been formed.

The Surya Airlines plane crashed early Wednesday morning on its flight from Tribhuvan International Airport to Pokhara for maintenance purposes. The accident occurred within seconds of takeoff, resulting in the death of 18 out of 19 passengers. The pilot, Manish Ratna Shakya, was rescued alive and is recovering well after treatment.


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