Hold Presidential, General elections simultaneously: SJB MP
Time:2024-05-20 16:37


Colombo, May 20- Responding to speculations made on the political platform that a general election will precede a Presidential election, Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) MP Harshana Rajakaruna today urged the authorities to hold the Presidential and General elections simultaneously.

“There is wide speculation in the political circle that a General Election may precede a Presidential election. We are ready for any election, be it a Presidential or a General election. We have a candidate in the form of Sajith Premadasa who will be backed by many at a Presidential poll. We also have a good team which could emerge victorious at a General election. Therefore, we in the SJB are ready for any election,” he said.

“We have called for the holding of a General and Presidential elections simultaneously in an earlier instance as well. We therefore, reiterate our stand that both elections should be held simultaneously. There seems to be no legal barrier for such an eventuality,” he added.

Also he said holding both elections simultaneously will be a correct move as the incumbent President has no mandate to hold the post while those in the Cabinet are ones who have been rejected by the people.


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