High Court seeks action against 266 hospital buildings in Gazipur
Time:2024-06-05 13:19


The High Court has issued a ruling questioning why action should not be taken against 266 private hospitals, clinics, and diagnostic centres in Gazipur that lack occupancy certificates.

Additionally, the court sought to know why measures conforming to the building construction code should not be enforced.

The ruling was issued by the High Court bench comprising Justice Mustafa Zaman Islam and Justice SM Masud Hossain Dolan following the preliminary hearing of a writ on Tuesday.

The court has directed the secretary to the Ministry of Health, secretary to the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, chairman of Gazipur Development Authority, director general (DG) of the Directorate General of Health Services, director general (DG) of the Department of Environment, chief executive officer of Gazipur City Corporation, deputy commissioner (DC) of Gazipur, and the civil surgeon to respond to these rulings.

Moreover, the court instructed the director general (DG) of the Directorate General of Health Services and the chairman of the Gazipur Development Authority to address the application filed to take measures regarding the buildings of the 266 hospitals, clinics, and diagnostic centres in Gazipur without occupancy certificates.

The writ was initially filed in the relevant branch of the High Court on May 26.


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