Free 6 Months Chinese Language Classes in Nepal Tourism Board
Time:2024-06-12 12:08


SATV, Kathmandu, June 12: Six months of Chinese language training has started from today under the organization of the Chinese Embassy in Nepal. The training program, which was organized with the aim of producing skilled Chinese language manpower seeming to be a requirement in Nepalese tourism industry, was jointly organized by Honourable Hit Bahadur Tamang, the Minister of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation and His Excellency Chen Song, the Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Nepal.

The classes conducted by the Chinese Embassy in Kathmandu in collaboration with Nepal Tourism Board and Nepal China Cultural and Educational Council will last for 6 months.


In the opening program, Culture Tourism and Civil Aviation Minister Hit Bahadur Tamang stated that the number of Chinese tourists visiting Nepal is increasing day by day and the training program should be intensified. He advised both Nepalese and non-resident Chinese living in Nepal to learn and understand each other’s language. He added, language will help in expanding relations and China is a great source of tourism in Nepal. Although Chinese language is difficult, it is becoming indispensable for the manpower of Nepalese tourism sector.


In the event, the ambassador His Excellency Chen Song shared his experience that Nepalese learn Chinese relatively quickly and speak English clearly. He expressed that Chinese language is not only ancient history but also the basis of scientific development. Informing that many businessmen and investors are preparing to come to Nepal, Ambassador stated that their first need is manpower who can speak Chinese. He also wished the classes, a success.


Senior Director of the Board, Hikmat Singh Arey, mentioned that language is a powerful weapon in tourism hospitality and expressed his belief that training in the world's second largest language will help promote Chinese tourism in Nepal. He requested the Chinese government through the ambassador to open more ports.


Chairman of the Council Dr. Harish Chandra Shah informed that 200 trainees who have been trained earlier are active in various tourism businesses of Nepal and informed there is a great demand for conducting Chinese language classes outside the capital.

The organizer had informed that the regular class of the sixth phase of 6 months advanced Chinese language training which started on June 11 will be regularly conducted at the Nepal Tourism Board from the 16th of June.




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