Senior officials pledge allegiance to Constitution
Time:2024-06-22 11:47


Senior officials of departments and units under China's State Council make pledge of allegiance to the Constitution at a ceremony, which is overseen by Premier Li Qiang, June 21, 2024. (Xinhua/Liu Bin)

BEIJING, June 21-- A total of 56 senior officials of 40 departments and units under the State Council, China's cabinet, made pledge of allegiance to the Constitution at a ceremony on Friday.

Premier Li Qiang oversaw the ceremony and made a speech.

Li stressed that to honor the oath taken to the Constitution, loyalty to the Party is of the fundamental importance. He urged the officials to take the lead in respecting, learning about, observing and applying the law, pursue clean government and avoid pointless formalities and bureaucratism.

Li noted that the current situation and tasks are extraordinary and have raised higher demands for the capability, quality and conduct of officials and cadres.

He asked the officials to take all-out efforts to fulfill all tasks concerning development, reform and people's wellbeing with a stronger sense of responsibility.

They should explore new methods and ways to improve their work quality and efficiency and take the overall national development into consideration in decision-making and work, Li added. 


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