Sri Lanka’s Covid-19 vaccine stock set to expire on August 24
Time:2023-08-12 13:34

The stock of Covid-19 vaccines available in Sri Lanka will expire on August 24, Daily Mirror learns.

COVID-19 Coordinator Dr. Anwar Hamdani said there is a stock of Sinopharm vaccines at the moment.

“As such, still there is some time for anyone to be vaccinated. If anyone needs to get inoculated, they can reach the nearest MOH office,” he added.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the PHIU (Public Health Inspectors Union) Upul Rohana said earlier that there are a number of unvaccinated individuals who have requested vaccine certificates from health authorities for their international travel requirements, adding that there are no COVID-19 vaccines in Sri Lanka.

Over eight million people have been vaccinated against Covid-19 with boosted shots. 


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